We offer a range of clinics and services at the surgery. There are some tasks you can do, such as health reviews, using our online forms.
Antenatal care
Routine antenatal check-ups by our qualified midwife. For midwife services please contact the community midwife service on 01183 228 059.
Regular check-ups and advice from practice nurses on lifestyle, inhaler techniques and medication. Asthma appointments are on request with any of the practice nurses.
Childhood immunisation clinic
Vaccinations for children aged 8 weeks to five years. Childhood immunisation clinic appointments are available on Tuesday afternoons. Please contact the reception team for further information.
Regular check ups and advice from a diabetic trained nurse. Appointments are available on request.
Flu vaccination clinic
Flu vaccination clinics are run from September onwards. If you qualify for a flu vaccination please contact the surgery to arrange an appointment.
Hypertension clinic
Regular check ups and advice. Appointments are available on request with our clinical pharmacist or one of our trained nurses.
Healthy heart clinic
Regular check ups and advice. Appointment on request with a practice nurse.
Joint injections
Your GP can organise this if appropriate.
Minor surgery
Minor surgical operations. Appointments available Friday afternoons. Please note that you will be referred by your own GP for this service.
Routine vaccinations
Appointments on request with a practice nurse.
Travel vaccinations
Travel vaccinations and advice on travelling. Twenty minute appointment on request with one of our practice nurses. A travel questionnaire must be completed and returned to the surgery prior to your appointment.
NHS health check
NHS health check ups and advice. Appointments available on request with a practice nurse.