What is the PPG?
PPG’s are all different as they have members with a variety of interests and expertise and they represent diverse patient populations. Inevitably each surgery’s PPG will want to pursue different initiatives.
Our aim is for the PPG to help us give a good service to our patients by the practice gaining a better understanding of what you want. We’d also like to enable patients to take part in shaping what local medical services are provided for the community. With the NHS changing fast we need help preserving the things about the practice that are good, changing the things that are not working and also to help us prioritise and provide the new services that the future NHS will bring.
In practical terms members of our PPG can help the surgery in some of the following ways:
- Give opinions on services offered by the surgery to improve existing services and suggest new ones.
- Publicise important events for patients and support their attendance at these events e.g. – expert patient programmes etc.
- Improve communication between the practice and it’s patients by contributions to the website and the newsletter.
- Become involved with the PCT and in the future the consortium by attending meetings e.g. The PCT Health Network.
- By inviting representatives of the PCT to PPG’s discussions to have your say in the provision of services and let them know what you are doing.
- Run health promotional events at the surgery to educate patients about managing their own health and maintaining a healthy lifestyle.
- Provide the patients’ perspective for us when we are asked to respond to the PCT / Consortium about changes in services.
- Involvement with the local press about important issues and events.
- Help us to provide and prioritise which non medical services are important such as counselling CAB etc.
- Improve the practice by looking at the premises itself.
- Advise us about opening hours, telephone access and the provision of early, late and Saturday morning surgeries.
- Keep an eye on the awareness days calendar and help us provide useful information to patients on those days for example No Smoking Day.
- Help us to protect existing services when they come under threat for example our in house physiotherapist and dispensary.
PPG meetings
The PPG meets every two months at the surgery in the early evening, usually on a Wednesday.
View previous meeting minutes.
PPG members
The PPG currently consists of around 18 patients, chaired by Doreen Hawkins. It is also attended by a partner on a rotation basis. The group is administered by the PPG coordinator.
Join our Patient Participation Group
All registered patients are able to join our Patient Participation Group. People of all genders, ages, ethnicities, and those with health conditions and disabilities are encouraged to join.
Members should as far as possible, be representative of the surgery population.
To join:
- fill out a Patient Participation Group registration form
- phone us on 0118 9842234
Patient Group statement of intent
The Pangbourne Surgery Patient Participation Group has been established to facilitate two-way communication between the healthcare professionals of the surgery and its practice population.
- To help the practice with key decisions in the following areas:
- Respond to changes in local NHS provision and legislation
- Future planning with respect to the practice facilities
- To communicate the activities and achievements of the practice to patients
- To make recommendations to the practice
The Patient Participation Group is open to all patients registered within the practice and personnel attached to or employed by the practice.