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Advice before having a coil fitted / exchanged

The following information should help to make sure that your coil fitting/exchange goes smoothly:

Do not have any sex from the first day of your period until the fitting unless you are using the pill, patch, or injection. Condoms can be used as long as used reliably and every time.

Failure to do this may prevent the fitting from going ahead.

If you are not having periods, please do not have sex for three weeks before the fitting.

If you are having a coil exchanged, you need only avoid sex for 7 days before your appointment if your current coil is in date. If your current coil has expired, please follow the advice given by the nurse during you telephone appointment.

Please take a painkiller such as Paracetamol, or Ibuprofen. It is best to take this about an hour before your appointment.

Most people feel fine after a coil fitting, but some feel a little light-headed or have period-like cramps. If possible, to bring a companion who can take you home afterwards. If you have driven yourself, we will ask you wait in the clinic for 20 minutes or so after the fitting.

Please make sure that you have eaten as is usual for you prior to the appointment.

The final decision to fit a coil will be made by the clinician on the day of your appointment.

Please phone the surgery if you want to change or cancel your appointment or if you have any concerns about your coil fitting.

Each coil appointment uses 1 hour of clinical time (30 mins GP / nurse fitting & 30 mins healthcare assistant) so please let us know as soon as possible if you cannot attend so we can see other patients during this time. Thank you.

Advice after coil fitting

Take Paracetamol/ Ibuprofen as needed (if this is usually safe for you and taking advice from the patient information leaflet in the box) This will ease the ‘cramp’ type pains that you may experience.

You may experience some spotting or light bleeding after your coil fitting, this should settle slowly.

If you have the copper coil, your periods should carry on as normal, as you will have been counselled – they may also be more painful/heavier.

If you have a hormone coil, e.g. Mirena, then you may experience some erratic spotting and bleeding which ultimately may stop. This can take a period of months.

Your partner may feel the threads for the first few weeks, however these should soften and not cause any discomfort.

Please take extra precautions (This means condoms, abstinence or continuing with a pill) as advised by your clinician on the day

Please also attend for a follow up appointment after 4 to 6 weeks.

  • Please seek medical advice if any changes in pain or bleeding.
Advice after implant removal or insertion

Local anaesthetic will wear off in an hour or two, so you can take Paracetamol or Ibuprofen before this happens (if this is usually safe for you to take and as advised by patient information leaflet in the box).

If there is any bleeding seen through the bandages, elevate the arm and apply firm pressure for 10 minutes. If this does not improve, seek medical advice.

If the bandage is uncomfortable, or you feel tingling at either end of the bandage, then remove or loosen it.

Remove the bandage after 2 days.

Remove the other dressings 3 days later. If these dressings fall off before this, no action need be taken as long as you are happy with the areas healing.

If the area appears red or hot or is oozing, then seek medical advice.

If this is an implant insertion, please monitor your bleeds and seek medical advice if concerned or if you can no longer feel your implant.

Attend for swap or removal well before the renewal date.

Take extra precautions (this means condoms, continuing with a pill or abstinence), as advised on the day by your clinician.

Page published: 7 January 2025
Last updated: 7 January 2025