Advice after coil fitting
Take Paracetamol/ Ibuprofen as needed (If this is usually safe for you and taking advice from the patient information leaflet in the box) This will ease the ‘cramp’ type pains that you may experience.
You may experience some spotting or light bleeding after your coil fitting, this should settle slowly.
If you have the copper coil, your periods should carry on as normal, as you will have been counselled – they may also be more painful/heavier.
If you have a hormone coil, e.g. Mirena, then you may experience some erratic spotting and bleeding which ultimately may stop. This can take a period of months.
Your partner may feel the threads for the first few weeks, however these should soften and not cause any discomfort.
Please take extra precautions (This means condoms, abstinence or continuing with a pill) as advised by your clinician on the day
Please also attend for a follow up appointment after 4-6 weeks.
· Please seek medical advice if any changes in pain or bleeding.