

BERTIE provides a Type 1 Diabetes Education Programme. There is a lot of useful information on their website to help you to understand and manage your diabetes in a way that suits you and your lifestyle. Bertieonline is currently available in the English language for people who have access to a digital device connected to the internet.

Website: www.bertieonline.org.uk

My Type 1 Diabetes

Five eLearning courses for adults with Type 1 diabetes, to help increase understanding and confidence in self-management. The aim of these courses is to help support you and your personal needs, to encourage you to set goals and build your knowledge and confidence around the management of your diabetes.

Website: www.elearning.mytype1diabetes.nhs.uk

Diabetes UK

General information on Diabetes, lifestyle and how to self-manage your Diabetes.

Website: www.diabetes.org.uk

Diabetes Care in West Berkshire

Resources, services and support for patients, carers and health professionals in Reading, Wokingham and West Berkshire.

Website: www.berkshirewestdiabetes.org.uk

Living with Diabetes

Website: www.nhs.uk/Diabeteshome