Training at Pangbourne Medical Practice
Pangbourne Medical Practice is an approved training practice, recognised for undergraduate and postgraduate medical training. The practice also hosts other healthcare students on occasion. Being approved as a ‘training practice’ gives recognition of the quality of care we provide here as well as the educational opportunities available for learners. It also helps to keep us all on our toes to ensure we keep updated in the latest developments.
Oxford University 5th year medical students join us at the surgery for 3 days a week for 6 week placements we also receive occasional 4th year students for half day sessions for clinical training in history taking and physical signs. The Practice receives consistently good feedback from these students. One partner (Dr Woolley) is in charge but everyone makes a significant contribution to their experience in the practice.
In addition a fully qualified doctor joins us for six to twelve months of the final part of their training in general practice. These doctors, already experienced in hospital medicine, are known as GP registrars. All appointments offered by GP registrars are extra to the appointments usually available.
What difference will this make to you?
On occasions the GP’s or clinician will hold joint surgeries / home visits, with the GP registrar or student.
Sometimes we will ask you if you would be happy to see a medical student or GP registrar instead of (or as well as) your own GP. Please advise our receptionists if you would prefer not to be seen by a student or registrar.
Initially the GP registrar may take longer than most GP appointments but these will shorten to the usual 10 minute appointments.
Occasionally we may ask for your permission to video-record your consultation. This will only be seen by doctors, and then only for educational purposes. This will only be viewed by doctors and only for educational reasons. Physical examinations are not recorded. Video records are destroyed within one year. You will always be asked to give written permission both before and at the end of the consultation. Please do say if you would prefer not to be videoed: this will not reflect upon your future care provided.
Find out more if you are a GP trainee considering working at the practice (PDF).