Infection control annual statement 2020
The annual statement will be generated each year – Delay in 2020 statement due to impact of Covid-19 date of statement: 28.7.20
It will summarise:
- Any infection transmission incidents and action taken (these will be reported in accordance with our Significant Events procedure)
- The annual infection control audit summary and actions undertaken
- Control risk assessments undertaken
- Details of staff training (both as part of induction and annual training) with regards to infection prevention and control
- Details of infection control advise to patients
- Any review and update of policies, procedures and guidelines.
The Boathouse Surgery lead for infection prevention and control is Rachel Ryan, practice nurse, who is supported by the practice manager, Rosie Barker, and senior administrator, Maxine Thompson. Nurse practitioners Allwin Mercer and Caroline Sykes deputise for this role.
This team keep updated with infection prevention and control practices and share necessary information with staff and patients throughout the year.
IP&C is discussed regularly by the partners and practice manager as a standard agenda item for business meetings.
Significant events
Since the last statement (15/02/19 – 28/7/20) there have been 3 significant events that related to infection prevention and control.
Full Infection Control Audit carried out on 18/11/19 by Jennie Leleux, infection prevention and control nurse for Berkshire West CCGs.
Findings: Overall score = 97% – up from 91% the previous year.
The following actions from the previous audit (15/11/18) had been completed: Domestic bins in treatment and consulting rooms to be pedal bins, blinds in clinical areas to be replaced with wipeable material, mops and buckets stored elsewhere, re-decoration of treatment rooms.
Main actions from 2019 audit: GP’s chairs should be wipeable, desk in 1 GP room not wipeable.
A further in-house infection control audit was carried out, in relation to the impact of Covid-19, on 22.5.20 by Rachel Ryan, Allwin Mercer and Dr B Barrie, ahead of the surgery doors re-opening in June.
Risk assessments
Regular risk assessments are undertaken to minimise the risk of infection and to ensure the safety of patients and staff. The following risk assessments related to infection prevention and control have been completed in the past year and appropriate actions have been taken:
- Provision and cleaning of toys
- Control of substances hazardous to health (COSHH)
- Disposal of waste
- Healthcare associated infections (HCAIs) and occupational infections
- Sharps injury
- Use of personal protective clothing/equipment
- Risk of body fluid spills
- Legionella risk assessment
- Health and Safety – whole practice and individual rooms
Various risk assessments have been carried out and regularly reviewed with regard to the impacts of Covid-19 on staff and patients. In-house infection control training has been delivered to all clinical staff, including donning and doffing PPE, and posters, policies and guidance updated in line with national instruction from PHE, NHSE and the government.
Staff training
6 new staff joined the Boathouse Surgery in the past 12-months and received infection control and hand-washing training within 12 months of employment.
92% of the practice clinical staff completed their annual infection prevention and control update training, using e-learning modules online.
90% of the practice non-clinical staff completed their annual infection prevention and control update training, using e-learning modules online.
The infection control lead, Rachel Ryan, attended a training updates for her role on 4th April 2019 provided by Jennie Leleux (the infection prevention and control nurse for Berkshire West CCGs).
Infection control advice to patients
Patients are directed to use the alcohol hand gel/sanitiser dispensers upon entering the surgery and encouraged to use those that are available throughout the surgery. In addition, all patients must currently wear a face covering when entering the surgery building to prevent the spread of Coronavirus.
Patient information can be found on the practice website on:
- Chickenpox
- Influenza, coughs and colds
- The importance of immunisations (both in childhood and in preparation for overseas travel)
- Covid-19
With links to NHS Choices where further information on MRSA, Norovirus, TB and shingles can be found.
Policies, procedures and guidelines
Documents related to infection prevention and control are reviewed in line with national and local guidance changes and are updated 2-yearly (or sooner in the event on new guidance).
The practice infection prevention and control policy was last reviewed and updated on 10.7.20 by Rachel Ryan.
Further policies and guidelines have been produced by Rosie Barker specifically relating to Covid-19 and have been shared with all staff and are kept under regular review.